About Us
We’ve been around for a while, we’ve continued to serve small employers to large employers to insurance carriers of one of Canada’s largest insurance distributors with an eclectic nucleus of innovative, out-of-the-box individuals:
Jeffrey Brock, B. Sc. (McGill), MDCM (McGill)
They say that Dr. Brock is a doctor like no one else. Indeed, Jeffrey is a true visionary whose mantra is simple:
“Without great results, competitors talk about their ‘great process,’ with our unequalled results, who needs to talk about process!”
Leveraging his passions for data, evidence-based medicine, Best Practice Guidelines with years of experience in serving corporate clients, Jeffrey was instrumental in redefining absence management from its traditional top-heavy process reliant on professional staff to the VMD ecosystem of data, data analytics and quality management, cooperative enabling of Best Practice Guidelines care by treating physicians and delivered by administrative staff.

Dr. Gordon Brock, B. Sc. (McGill), MD (Queen’s), FCFP
Medical Director:
One of Canada’s most experienced rural physicians, Dr. Gordon Brock is the architect of the Virtual Medical Director operating system and our go-to person for anything related to “Best practice guidelines care/Evidence-based medicine.” He is a Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and former member of the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University. Author of numerous published scientific papers and Associate Scientific Editor of The Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, National Director of Canada’s Rural Critical Care Course, Gordon has been featured in MacLean’s Magazine and has been a television talk-show host.
Andréanne Martin, B. Sc. (Biology), M.A. (Translation Studies), VMA (Value Methodology Associate)
Program Director:
With experience as a professional translator, as well as co-facilitator of value analysis studies and board member of Value Analysis Canada, Andréanne has greatly contributed to the company’s focus on value by bringing her unique understanding of absence and value management in ensuring smooth administrative operation of the Virtual Medical Director program. As Program Director, Andréanne oversees and maintains operations and contributes to the ongoing development of our current and new service offerings.

Nursing & Paramedical Staff:
While not required for the data-based Virtual Medical Director service, Audrey Peters, RN, is our senior Care Manager serving our Medical Concierge Service bundled with Empire Life’s Critical Illness insurance since 2012, and People Corporation’s My Medical Director program also since 2012, where she continues to be an integral part in delivering unequalled results in resolving employee health issues.