CNESST Mental Health Claims: What to Do?
In recent years, claims for mental health issues and workplace harassment; these invisible conditions have been increasingly accepted as workplace injuries by the CNESST.
Unlike physical injuries, these cases are often opaque and frequently arise after negative performance evaluations, workplace conflicts, or personal struggles.
Unlike visible musculoskeletal disorders, where work aptitude can be objectively assessed, there are currently no clear guidelines for evaluating the ability of employees with mental health claims to return to work.
Data validated by MedExtra shows that a significant number of cases involve employees exploiting a system that lacks control, whereby doctors do not see their role as adjudication and fearing complaints to their professional orders, readily accede to all requests to grant work stoppage too easily.
Occupational health and safety consultants and CNESST mutuals have few tools to speed up temporary return-to-work or streamline case resolutions.
Early intervention by the Virtual Medical Director verifies and validates claim legitimacy and identifies potential abuse. Our collaborative, collegial Best Practice Guidelines medical approach to treating physicians, always leads to a faster return to health and work.
Mental Health Should Be Treated Like Physical Health
Mental health deserves the same level of attention as physical health in the workplace. However, to maintain a sustainable system, it is crucial to balance employee well-being with effective medical claim management. Employers and occupational health professionals must work together to foster a culture of transparency and support within companies.
Implementing early intervention Best Practice Guidelines medical management and strategies, like those proposed by MedExtra, helps accelerate case resolution, reduce prolonged absences, and maintain business productivity—while ensuring employees who truly need help receive appropriate support.
How should companies handle mental health claims? Learn how this is affecting you, by clicking here for a free complementary audit.